

He is so worthless without his mother. If you have to get rid of his mother, then you must get ready to terminate his life as well because his mother is the reason for his existence on the earth's surface. Who is he without his mother's impact in his life? Who he really is without his mother's activities in his life. He is actually nothing with the exception of his mother's doings in his entire life.  Additionally, he is always fain to see his mother alive. He is so keen about the existence of his mother and her impact in his life to the extent that there's no way he would perform his morning, afternoon and night devotions that he won't ask God to keep his mother alive, no matter what; the keenness he has about his mother's being alive is very emotional that he can never do without her mother's voice pulsating and echoing in his ears. Furthermore, he always intercedes for his mother that God should keep using his mother to impact his life til


There is an uneducated man who is making massive money more than some other well-educated members of staff in a certain company. This man became who he is now because of his diligence and persistence towards his dealings in the company. Furthermore, the uneducated man neither steals nor engages in any other negative things. In the company, whenever they capture someone that engages in stealing, they'd fire him or her immediately. Therefore, whatever they ask him to do, he always does it quickly with diligence.  The company is one of the companies that both the educated and uneducated can work in. So, don't be surprised how this uneducated man is coping with his tasks in the company, you just ought to have any skill.  As a result, the Chief Executive Officer of the company and many other members of staff in great positions started scrutinizing him till they discovered that he was really a man they would work with. Surprisingly, the man got promoted to a higher positi


TRUST AND OBEY!!! If you want to be happy in Jesus and want Him to continue doing the best for you, you ought to trust and obey. If you want God to always grant your requests, you ought to trust and obey, and always do what He demands of you. Obey Him if you want Him to always be by your side. There's no other way to be happy in Jesus except to trust and obey. Furthermore, when King Neco told King Josiah that God was with him, King Josiah turned deaf ears; he refused to listen to King Neco. King Neco asked him not to interfere with God, who was with him else God would destroy him, but King Josiah refused to listen to King Neco, who God had indeed spoken to.  After all, King Josiah lost his life when he waged a battle against King Neco - who wasn't fighting with him, but that doesn't mean God was not with King Josiah. If he had obeyed, such wouldn't have happened to him. If he had listened to what King Neco was saying to him, such calamity wouldn't have b


Earlier today, I sat down and didn't have any idea of what to dispense to you people as today's tonic not knowing this is what God was keeping me waiting for. Read on. Learn to do away with negative things. A customer of mine patronized me earlier today and after we exchanged pleasantries, I took the action of satisfying her with what she came for. After a while, she wanted to call her mother because it was her mother that sent her. When she wanted to call her mother, she asked me to do her a favour, that when she calls her mother, I would help her by lying to her mother that the money that I would be deducting as my own interest would be one thousand and five hundred naira, instead of one thousand naira. Upon hearing this, I blatantly told her that I couldn't do such a thing. However, she urged me to, but I refused to do her such a favour. As a matter of fact, this is not a favour. I told her that if that was what she wanted to do, she shouldn't call her mo


Champion is a title that everyone desires. Champion is a title that no one would want to take for granted. Everyone wishes to get the title "Champion" but only few people obtain it. "Champion" is not a title that one can acquire just like that, it demands great work before one can truly obtain it. Someone who wants to become a champion must be diligent and persistent in his or her doings. "Champion" can be simple to pronounce though, but it takes hard work to acquire it. The reason lots of people wish to become champions and nothing seems forthcoming is lack of usual procedure; it's because they've abandoned their usual practices. Many people rarely do what they ought to be doing frequently. Why do you want to become a winner of something great when you're not engaging in what you ought to? You can only reap what you sow; you can't reap what you don't sow. Can a farmer plant tomatoes and garner peppers? Or is it possible for


Do not step away from the right path. Many people have stopped doing the right things and started wasting their time doing some other things which they ought not to.  For some, they have turned sitting down and paying attention to videos to their usual work; a day can't pass without them watching videos. The funniest thing is that they spend too much time watching videos; twenty-four hours is too small for them to watch videos. Be sensible. The writer is not being sarcastic because there's nothing wrong in watching videos, it's just that many people have turned it into their daily tasks that they must perform each day which is killing their careers. Why is it killing their careers? Because of some time they're spending which they ought not to. There are certain times you ought to abstain from watching videos and get yourself focused. Have you forgotten that you're someone with passion? You were given the life to fulfill a purpose and not to waste your ti


As someone who knows the routes, you are to clear and make the road easy for those following you. You make a mistake somewhere doesn't mean you should open your eyes and see others making the same mistake. Others need to learn from your mistakes. No one knows it all, you're in the middle and there's somewhere you're still going also. For that reason, be a good example to those at your back in order to obtain favour from those in your front. You're passing through a challenge and you're not only enduring to become successful, but you're also doing so because of the next generations. What you do now will encourage them to keep on enduring in their own time till they achieve their aims. You'll be a great role model to the coming generations when you refuse to quit.  What do you want the next generations to say about you? #DailyTonics 21/04/2023 ©MD_inks #motivationalquotes #motivation #content #motivationalcontent #Inspiringcontent #edifyingcont