
Showing posts from November, 2022

DAILY TONICS (11/11/2022)

#DailyTonics 11/11/2022 ©MD_inks


STAY CALM AND BE PATIENT, ALL IS GOING TO BE WELL. If you're mocked and cursed, just keep quiet and let go. Those who mocked and cursed you today are still coming back to beseech you. Take a look at/read this short story and learn a stupendous lesson. “Once upon a time, there was a hawk that the King in their kingdom used to send to find some prey which is their food.  So the King sent the hawk to look for prey someday, the hawk then left and when to a place and saw a hen with lots of chicks at her back, the hawk performed some plays that he has to perform and when he saw an opportunity he quickly rushed down and took a chick from the chicks, immediately when the hen (the mother hen) had a voice of her baby, she rapidly looked back and saw what was happening, the hen tried all she could to make sure she got her baby back, but all her efforts went in vain.  When the hawk reached their kingdom, everybody welcomed him back and congratulated him because he didn't come b

DAILY TONICS (9th of September 2022)

When opportunity comes, don't allow anybody to give you immoral advice, not even your friends, because not everyone wants to see you succeed. When opportunity comes, your trusted friends whom you believed are the ones to give you immoral advice because they won't open their eyes and you succeed. When you're with your friends, be vigilant. When you're with anybody, be circumspect. Here we are, surviving under the surface of the Earth being genuine with some while they're being strategic with us. The Lord shall surely give us the power of discernment in order to differentiate the unfriendly friends of ours in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen! #DailyTonics 09/11/2022 ©MD_inks