
Showing posts from March, 2023


People are still going to challenge you whether you stand on your right or not, you just have to stand firm, because challenges are not what you can run away from. Challenges will come your way, you just have to summon courage, face them and overcome them. In addition, there are lots of challenges though, some challenges aren't meant to be approaching you frequently, but people would want to challenge you constantly due to the fact that they are older than you or have the awareness of some things which you don't. They won't want to challenge those who are your bosses or those having more experience than you do. But remember, everyone has what he/she is passing through. Be bold, you'll overcome. Stand firm! Lamentably, there are a lot of people who go to the bush or a forest where people won't see or smell that anybody is there, before you know it, the person would have hung him/herself just because of the challenges he/she is passing through. My dear rea...


Let's be careful of the ways we offer responses to elderly ones. One has to be cautious about the way one's words approach those who are older.       Sometimes what one means by uttering words to elderly ones might sound different as they puzzle over one's response.       They might think one is making a joke of them and that might let them take some diabolical steps and make some satanic plans in order to take vengeance while they know not that they're mistaking; they won't have the understanding that they're taking it wrongly.       At times, one has to entertain ideas before making any form of reaction to people of advanced years. Be careful! #DailyTonics 09/03/2023 ©MD_inks