
Showing posts from April, 2023


Champion is a title that everyone desires. Champion is a title that no one would want to take for granted. Everyone wishes to get the title "Champion" but only few people obtain it. "Champion" is not a title that one can acquire just like that, it demands great work before one can truly obtain it. Someone who wants to become a champion must be diligent and persistent in his or her doings. "Champion" can be simple to pronounce though, but it takes hard work to acquire it. The reason lots of people wish to become champions and nothing seems forthcoming is lack of usual procedure; it's because they've abandoned their usual practices. Many people rarely do what they ought to be doing frequently. Why do you want to become a winner of something great when you're not engaging in what you ought to? You can only reap what you sow; you can't reap what you don't sow. Can a farmer plant tomatoes and garner peppers? Or is it possible for...


Do not step away from the right path. Many people have stopped doing the right things and started wasting their time doing some other things which they ought not to.  For some, they have turned sitting down and paying attention to videos to their usual work; a day can't pass without them watching videos. The funniest thing is that they spend too much time watching videos; twenty-four hours is too small for them to watch videos. Be sensible. The writer is not being sarcastic because there's nothing wrong in watching videos, it's just that many people have turned it into their daily tasks that they must perform each day which is killing their careers. Why is it killing their careers? Because of some time they're spending which they ought not to. There are certain times you ought to abstain from watching videos and get yourself focused. Have you forgotten that you're someone with passion? You were given the life to fulfill a purpose and not to waste your ti...


As someone who knows the routes, you are to clear and make the road easy for those following you. You make a mistake somewhere doesn't mean you should open your eyes and see others making the same mistake. Others need to learn from your mistakes. No one knows it all, you're in the middle and there's somewhere you're still going also. For that reason, be a good example to those at your back in order to obtain favour from those in your front. You're passing through a challenge and you're not only enduring to become successful, but you're also doing so because of the next generations. What you do now will encourage them to keep on enduring in their own time till they achieve their aims. You'll be a great role model to the coming generations when you refuse to quit.  What do you want the next generations to say about you? #DailyTonics 21/04/2023 ©MD_inks #motivationalquotes #motivation #content #motivationalcontent #Inspiringcontent #edifyingcont...


You are in your 20s! Your 20s are for you to buckle up even more. Your earlier age is the perfect and the right time to lay the foundation and start the building without being lackadaisical; the right and the perfect time to start building without tarrying at all. It won't be too late if you start now. As someone who is in his or her 20s, you ought not to compare yourself with your mates or others because it is like a race and at the end of the day, one person is going to be claimed as the winner. The focus of a runner is not to run faster than his or her colleagues but to be the winner. You really need to buckle up so that you won't be left behind. #DailyTonics 07/04/2023 ©MD_inks


Tribulation times are to test you whether you're strong enough to get promoted to the next level or not. Those who partake in school examinations get promoted to the next classes after doing well in the examinations. When examinations are set for students, the examiners want to know or be assured that the students are ready with the required understanding to get promoted to the next classes. You must be strong enough to overcome every temptation that approaches you in order to get promoted to the next level. Examinations nowadays can be done in some other ways. Yes! It can be done by bribing those who are in charge of the exams these days in order to get the students promoted. Not only in schools, bribing is almost everywhere. The point that I just want to draw out of this is that, there's no way you can bribe the temptations that come your way. You just have to summon the courage and be strong enough to overcome the temptations in order to get promoted. A business...