Champion is a title that everyone desires. Champion is a title that no one would want to take for granted. Everyone wishes to get the title "Champion" but only few people obtain it. "Champion" is not a title that one can acquire just like that, it demands great work before one can truly obtain it.

Someone who wants to become a champion must be diligent and persistent in his or her doings. "Champion" can be simple to pronounce though, but it takes hard work to acquire it. The reason lots of people wish to become champions and nothing seems forthcoming is lack of usual procedure; it's because they've abandoned their usual practices. Many people rarely do what they ought to be doing frequently. Why do you want to become a winner of something great when you're not engaging in what you ought to?

You can only reap what you sow; you can't reap what you don't sow. Can a farmer plant tomatoes and garner peppers? Or is it possible for you to find a mango on a cashew tree? It's impossible, right? Only expect the result of what you've worked for rather than relying on the things you didn't work for.

It's never too late to renew your mindset and get yourself into a vocation that would award you the crown of royalty and peace of mind, because there are certain points human beings reach and only desire to have peace of mind. To be courteously frank with you, there are certain points human beings reach and won't be able to do things like the days of their youth, and that's the reason you ought to do more, more and more when your flesh is still fresh.




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