If you want to be happy in Jesus and want Him to continue doing the best for you, you ought to trust and obey. If you want God to always grant your requests, you ought to trust and obey, and always do what He demands of you. Obey Him if you want Him to always be by your side. There's no other way to be happy in Jesus except to trust and obey.

Furthermore, when King Neco told King Josiah that God was with him, King Josiah turned deaf ears; he refused to listen to King Neco. King Neco asked him not to interfere with God, who was with him else God would destroy him, but King Josiah refused to listen to King Neco, who God had indeed spoken to. 

After all, King Josiah lost his life when he waged a battle against King Neco - who wasn't fighting with him, but that doesn't mean God was not with King Josiah. If he had obeyed, such wouldn't have happened to him. If he had listened to what King Neco was saying to him, such calamity wouldn't have befallen him. See 2 Chronicles 35:20-24.

He is a reliable God though, but if you do something outside His will, anything funny can happen to you, because he will leave you to face your circumstances alone unless He chooses to have mercy upon your life. Don't allow pride to push you to do something that God doesn't support.

You're someone of valour. You can do anything you like, but do away with pride. Pride can bring you down as a great person that you are. See Matthew 23:12. You're having the authority to do this and that, but only engage in what pleases God. Never allow the flesh to push you to do something that can cause you problems that you won't be able to solve.

Trust and obey Him, and He will continue to direct you in every aspect of your life. 

May the Lord bestow upon you the grace to always control your flesh.



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